Wednesday, June 13, 2007

the gym...

Ok. A few things about this. I have joined a gym. I feel terribly guilty if I don't go, because it is ACROSS THE ROAD FROM MY HOUSE. I see it every day when I come home. I see it from my apartment. I am always in its shadow, figuratively and literally. It is a looming shrine to my guilt, if I do not go. That said, it's quite the hopping little community.

First of all, the Konglish term for gym is "Health Club" (pron. hel-su ku-lub). So I now say that when I speak English too.

I have bonded with the following people over my gym membership (and also, worked out with them - although I like to work out alone, but people seem to want to work out together when they run into me so whatevs):

- my friend Ellie's boyfriend (oh- I know you from the health club!, he said upon our first meeting... I totally got props from him for that)
- an art teacher at my school (we go for dinner before or after sometimes -- and she drills me on Korean flashcards while we bike)
- the manager of the local WA Bar (that was weird, running into him, he wasn't wearing his glasses and everyone looks so different in the gym suits!!)
- Tom's co-teacher (she's supersweet, but I usually run into her as I'm leaving)
- another waygook teacher in my 'hood (ditto)

So I have my little bit of community going with this... and then... my art teacher friend has decided not to renew her membership b/c she lives in a different area of the city. Sadness! But alas, no time to weep because a politics teacher has taken up the mantle of "asking Katrina daily when she'll be at the gym." Which I must say, increases the guilt tenfold, as when I'm across the river, out of the looming shadow of my gym, I STILL can't escape it. But there is some nice, strange comfort in being part of a community, which is slowly, slowly happening.

AND the trainers are not afraid of me anymore!! Well, they don't avoid me (in Korea, trainers wander around, they're free of charge, and offer advice and assistance.) That, surely is the sign of being a member of a community (for a foreigner in this country) - when people no longer avoid you or are scared of you. When you're normal enough to them that they don't hide when they see you, or smile bashfully and look away. When they actually smile without fear. Make eye contact, bow, whatever. Baby steps, my friends, baby steps.

When I was in Toronto, I think I took community for granted. It's so much easier to establish when there's no communication barrier. The longer I'm here, the more I realize the importance of those friendly faces that I see randomly, that help to make the neighbourhood my home.

I think that's enough gooshyness for today.


Elizabeth said...


Anonymous said...

This is the most shocking thing I've read all day, and I read Perez Hilt...I mean, news (blogger won't allows "strike" HTML tags) for a living! :P

(Just teasing, but I do read Perez along with real news. I don't understand what he has against Jennifer Aniston.)

Glad you're making headway at the gym and enjoying the sense of community.

Be well.
-Ooh, my word verification below is "kpgah". It's almost like "kbgah", which would be like "katrina baran gah".

katrina said...

Thursday gym report:

random people sightings - 2 (a fellow teacher and the other waygook)

kilometers walked/run - 4.5 (still being careful on the knee)

picturing the look on andrea's face when she was reading my post about ME going to the GYM - priceless!

:-P (patti would be asking me if "gym" is a euphamism for "pub" so...)