Friday, October 27, 2006


Sorry about the "comments" problems, I'm still trying to figure this whole blogging thing out - and I think I accidentally switched something off or changed a setting yesterday. I don't know, because when I log on at work, blogger is entirely in Korean. (I am used to this, all of the programs on my work computer are entirely in Korean, of course!)

Now that I've cracked the mystery of my kids conversation class, it's rockin'. I cannot tell you how happy this makes me, I literally felt sick with dread every time I had this class, because I couldn't figure out the right mix of stuff, and the activities I had thought would be fun, they hated (and vice versa). We talked about our families yesterday and I wanted to bring photos, but the only photos that I had access to (on my work computer) were the ones online from Vegas... (here are a few photos for those who haven't seen them ). Um, Jess, Bry, those photos of us were completely unusable. Just visit the album, you'll see what I mean...

This weekend, I think I will be at home convalescing, so you can look forward to some more updates with photos, including "katrina's first six weeks in korea, part 2" and stuff on the nukes, and korean culture...

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