Thursday, May 17, 2007

Thong update

This is a quickie. The thong guy (as written about sometime in February?) has just gotten married! No one even knew he had a girlfriend. Hi-larity! I wonder if he did give his girlfriend a thong after all... and I really wonder why he was asking ME about it all. But whatevs.
By the way, he's the school administrator, and the conversation was taking place in his car, in LotteMart as well as in my apartment, as we were shopping for (of all things) a toaster oven and a vacuum cleaner.

Today I will introduce the kids to Peter Bjorn and John by way of the "English Radio Show" at my school. I expect it to go over like a lead balloon.

UPDATE: As expected, lead balloon. Pulled the song before we went to air and replaced with some Usher song, because the kids said (and I quote): "well, the teachers will like that song, but..."
It is official. I am old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back.I missed your posts and your rambling ways. Facebook is great mainly because of the photos, but you are a master blogger and that's not because I'm prejudiced.TB