Friday, November 10, 2006

pepero day!

Tomorrow, November 11th, is many things. It's Rememberance Day across most of the world. It's my parents' anniversary (I think perhaps their millionth year of marriage? Happy anniversary mom and dad!). And here in Korea, tomorrow, November 11th, is Pepero Day!

What is Pepero, you may ask? Why, it's the Korean version of those chocolate-covered cracker/cookie sticks sold as Pocky in Japan. I did a bit of research to see which came first - and it is indeed Pocky (1966). Peperos weren't sold until 1983.
There is an entire day devoted to Pepero because it's 11-11. Get it? The numbers look like Pepero sticks!!
Seriously. That's the reason. The wisdom of the Lotte marketing department (they're the makers of Pepero, and I swear, half the stuff in Korea!) is astounding.

It's been great subject for "free talking" - I have asked all of my classes about it, and each class has tried to teach me how to say Pepero (빼빼로) properly. (Ironically, we're doing a pronunciation-themed lesson this week!) So far (and much to my surprise) I've received a few boxes of Pepero, but I've been secretly regifting them because I can't eat them. The stores all have huge displays set up and the kids are all walking around with tonnes of Pepero today. I can hardly wait until my next class, in the final period of the day. The kids should be on such a sugar-high...

To read a little more about Pepero Day, visit here.


Anonymous said...

that's re-god-damn-diculous, Kat.

Melbine said...

Hmm, I can't even think of anything comparable here..not that that's a bad thing..

Anonymous said...

am loving it.
BTW Kat, it's me Sue from TPM. You must email me this week!

Anonymous said...

i want pepero! where are my care packages!?!

MISS YOU!!! ( it's jessie)

katrina said...

jess, your care package is coming, but i'm not sending it until after pay-day (25th) so patience, my dear! no pepero for you, but I will send some for hannah!

miss you too!