Thursday, January 11, 2007

I'm a joiner!

Guess what? I found a stitch-and-bitch in Busan! And I can make the first meeting! I am so stoked - and yes, I am traveling at least one hour so I can sit in a Starbucks and knit with expats who I do not know. But you should be happy for me - you don't have to listen to me chat about my knitting anymore, I can talk to actual knitters about it!

The meeting is next Thursday afternoon, so I'll let you know how things go. (Or maybe I won't - and keep true to my above pledge to not speak of my knitting anymore...)

Also, may be going to Daejeon this weekend, to hang out with a rock climbing club... see, look at me, being a "joiner"!


Anonymous said...

Where are my socks then? How about a trade. I'll send you whatever you want from Canada, you send me my socks. My feet are cold. We got our first snowfall yesterday!

katrina said...

sorry - socks are a comin'! I'm going to start something for your next birthday as soon as they're done, too - then maybe there's a chance you'll see it sometime this year!