Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Kimchi, kimchi, kimchi

I like kimchi. Kimchi is yummy.

This is my fridge. It is small and cute.This is the kimchi shelf of my fridge.

The plain white bag, that's the kimchi I made in Gwangju at the kimchi festival (I hope it's still good!)
The sealed kimchi bag, I won that at the kimchi festival in Gwangju. I had more kimchi, but I finished it. Luckily. Because the brown tuperware, that is from a local shop owner that I'm friendly with - she just surprised me today with a whole lot o'kimchi. I had to reorganize my fridge shelves to fit it in there.

This is the kimchi that she made and gave me... as well as the other two bags of kimchi.Jess, prepare yourself for a kimchi-eating odyssey because there is no way that I can eat all this kimchi in a month and live to tell about it.

Oh, and this is Angela and I posing with Kimchi at the Gwangju Kimchi Festival.

Off to the doctor's... (on my own!) Wish me luck.

... Back from the doctors, with much success (depending on how you define "success"). He's recommending another ACL recon for my poor knee (I had misunderstood about the patella tendon thingy, apparently) and has given me a referral to his "mentor". SOOO I think I'm going to join the local tai chi joint for classes starting tomorrow night, and amp up the exercises a bit. Sigh. There are mountains to climb in the spring and I damned well will be able to do it.

1 comment:

Melbine said...

It's amazing to me that something can be so huge in one part of the world that there are festivals for it, and then in another part of the world it doesn't even exist! Maybe it's comparable to Port Elgin's pumpkin festival - I bet you couldn't find one in South Korea!

Good luck with your knee. What did the doctor mean by 'mentor'?